Saturday, April 17, 2010

Thank You, An Open Letter

I can't sleep. It's a grey and cool morning here in NYC. I've been up since Way-Too-Early-O'Clock and I went to bed at a stupidly late hour. But I can't sleep. I keep thinking of all of the things I have to do before my trip and all the people I still want to see before I am whisked away in that huge steel bird in the sky. The most pressing "task" on my mind that is causing this insomnia is a Thank You Letter that I have been wanting to write/been composing in my head for weeks, maybe months.

I've been thinking of all of the people in my life who I want to thank and all of the things I want to say, and I came to realize that it's basically the same message for you all with a few specific personal touches here and there. So I'm writing this Open Thank You Letter, if you will. Here we go...

Thank you. Thank you for your support. For letting me borrow your strength when my supply was all tapped out. For helping me move, both emotionally and physically. For the hundreds of minutes on your cellphone plan that you "donated" to my healing. For driving 5 hours each way because you knew I'd need you before I even knew it. For your unwavering belief in me. For your encouragement. For reminding me what I have to offer and what I deserve in return. For the countless dinners and endless drinks. For the FUN! For calling me out on my shit. For your wisdom and guidance. For flying me home to regroup. For leading by example by showing me that a true partnership does in fact exist. For letting me crash on your couch/bed/in your spare room. For not judging me. For letting me cry and then making me laugh, and knowing when I needed to do which. For the late night movie/cuddle sessions. For making my birthday the best ever! For your hugs and kisses. For simply being you. For loving each other and letting me live in that space, allowing me to breathe it in. For listening to my countless crazy stories of The Single Life in Manhattan and helping me explore this uncharted territory. For pushing me forward to follow my dreams, even though it meant leaving you for a while. For watching mindless television with me. For keeping me distracted. For making me face what I needed to face. For waving away my bitterness with your belief in people and in love. For your love. For being in my life - whether it was a recent appearance you made (some after far too many years) or a life long commitment you've stuck to. I do not say this part lightly: I would not have been able to get through these past few months without you. At one point or another, and sometimes multiple times, you have said to me how proud you are of me. Of my strength. Of my convictions. Of my determination. Of my bravery. I would have none of these things if I did not have you.

I do not know what this next chapter of my life has to offer, but I can tell you this much, you will be a part of it. And no matter what, know that my life is good now, the best it's been in far too long, and you played a leading role in making that happen. I cannot fully express how much appreciation I have for you, but I will spend the rest of my life trying.

To quote a beautiful song:
Here is the spring. Here is the spring.
While winter was raging something good had been blossoming.

Thank you for being my Spring.

With all my love,

You friend/sister/cousin/daughter/partner-in-crime


  1. You are so amazing & I am so grateful to have you in my life! I love you & can't wait to see where this new chapter of life takes you, what new parts of you it helps blossom, how it nourishes the older parts that have been craving this kind of experience...I know you are going to have an even more amazing time than you are right now & am so honored to be part of it.


  2. Thank you for being you! For bathrooms and coffee and frozen biscuits! For road trips, and barbie houses! And let us not forget, FUFU BERRIES:) I love you so much and am better person for it. I am honored to be a pert of this next chapter!
